Sunday, January 1, 2012

NLC Week 4 (and Christmas vacation)

What can I say? Week 4 was AWESOME!!! Christmas break was Great as well. We are really picking up speed now. Started the week off on Monday by getting the test results from the week 3 tests…Two more A’s so I can’t complain. We began the last week of the Linework Fundamentals book and the second to last week of Electrical Systems. In the field, we did up-downs in the Climbing Pit and worked on going over the backside of obstacles on a pole and continued working on basic climbing skills a little higher up on the pole and building the confidence in our new skills and abilities. On Tuesday we had more class time and my group was in the Distribution Pit rotating through the stations which included,  tensioning guy wires that attach to the utility pole and the ground, operating the boom on the linetruck and maneuvering a transformer through a maze, using a different boom to raise a transformer up to a person working on a pole and framing a pole on the ground. Wednesday was more class time then my group was in the Underground area working on the Primary side of the transformer prepping conductors, making up load-break elbows and working with the hotsticks. Thursday was test day and then County Fair rotations through all the stations practicing what we did all week. Only we were finally allowed to go up to the top of the poles…FINALLY! It was a burden lifted off everyone’s back to finally go all the way up and get a feel for what climbing is all about. It was a great week!!! Friday began our Christmas vacation, which my wife children and I drove down to Los Angeles to be with family. It was a much needed vacation. We drove back up to Sacramento on the 29th and had a nice quiet New Year…By that I meant we were fast asleep by midnight…So HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can’t wait to get back to school and continue learning about a trade that is so vital to our everyday life. I found a sticker that I like it reads “EVEN FIREMEN NEED HEROS” and had a picture of a Lineman on a pole. Lineman are a very special breed, selfless and hardworking individuals with type 1 personalities. I am thankful that this is the career path I have been given and I cannot wait to join the ranks of men who serve their communities regardless of the hour, weather or given situation.

Reaching out the required 6 feet.

Going the "extra" mile at 93".

Cutting a piece of ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced).

Tightening the hoist.

All 190 Lbs on that handle.

Changing out the guy preform.

Travis is glad to be at the top.

Looking down at Spence from 30 feet.

Porcelain Line Post Insulator with a conductor.

Tools that keep me on the pole.

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